Business model

As part of our collaboration, we propose the implementation of investments in the areas presented above using one of two models, which primarily differ in the level of control exercised over the invested capital. Additionally, the legal procedures associated with allocating funds to specific investment projects vary. The first offered model involves the creation of Closed-End Investment Funds (FIZ), which will utilize the acquired funds to purchase shares or stocks of special-purpose companies, thereby providing them with capital intended to finance selected investment projects.

The proposed model includes transferring a larger pool of financial resources to FIZ, which then uses the acquired capital to finance multiple projects within a single industry. Analysis and decision-making take place at the Fund level and can be independent of capital sources. This solution eliminates the need for direct participation in every investment decision, relying instead on full trust in fund management specialists and members of the Expert Council.

The second proposed model is based on investments made directly in entities whose primary objective is to execute an analyzed and approved investment project. This is possible through the purchase of securities such as shares, stocks, or bonds, which, according to Polish law, are the only financial instruments that do not require the payment of interest on the invested capital. As a result, they simultaneously meet the criteria set by Sharia Law.

In this model, all decisions regarding the selection of investment projects to be implemented are made before the capital is transferred to special-purpose companies. This approach allows direct participation in the analysis of proposed business concepts and decision-making regarding potential engagement in selected projects. However, it requires greater activity in the investment process while also providing significantly greater control over the utilization of capital.

The investment models presented above best reflect the most common approaches to investments and address their needs. The proposed solutions allow for both active participation in making all investment decisions and the delegation of related competencies to a group of experts, who select business concepts while considering the best interests of all parties involved.

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