International Cooperation

Poland is actively engaged in various international initiatives, building strategic partnerships worldwide. This cooperation covers key regions such as Africa, North America, South America, the Middle East, the Far East, and the European Union. Each of these areas plays a significant role in Poland’s global strategy, enabling trade exchange, technological development, and joint actions for sustainable development.


Relations with Africa are based on support in technology, education, and infrastructure investment. Poland collaborates with African countries, developing energy projects and supporting local businesses. Examples include programs related to renewable energy sources, which aid the continent’s energy transition.

North America

The partnership with North America includes trade exchange, security cooperation, and the development of modern technologies. Relations with the USA and Canada play a key role, covering joint initiatives in energy and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

South America

In South America, Poland is developing relationships in the areas of export and import, as well as supporting educational and research projects. Particular emphasis is placed on the exchange of experiences in agriculture and academic cooperation supporting innovation in the region.

Middle East

Poland actively cooperates with the Middle East in technology, trade, and energy sector collaboration. This partnership aims to support regional stabilization through joint projects in renewable energy and efficient water resource management.

Far East

Relations with the Far East focus on technological, trade, and cultural cooperation. Countries such as Japan, China, and South Korea play a particularly important role, with whom Poland carries out projects in new technologies, transport, and education. Polish companies also establish cooperation in green technologies and sustainable development.

European Union

The European Union remains Poland’s key partner in politics, economy, and sustainable development. Cooperation within the EU enables the implementation of joint infrastructure, research, and educational projects. Poland also plays an active role in promoting energy solidarity and climate transformation in Europe.

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