
The University of Warsaw

The University of Warsaw was founded in 1816 and is recognized as the largest and one of the best Polish universities. The strength of the University lies mainly in high-qualified teaching staff and students, who may boast with many successes in Poland and around the world. The educational process at this University is closely linked with acquiring practical knowledge and conducting the researches, for which University offers excellent facilities. Thanks to its modern approach, it can accelerate cooperation with the world’s best scientific and research institutions, which focusing mainly on innovation and the exchange of technology. The University cooperates mainly with renowned Polish and international companies, which appreciate its graduates. The University implements the Bologna Process and develops cooperation with the most reputable educational institutions abroad. The University employs more than 7,000 people (including 3,556 lecturers) and has more than 50 000 students. University educational offer accounts for 39 faculties and more than 100 specialties and specialisations in the field of humanities, sciences and natural sciences.

The University of Warsaw can boast of 5 Nobel Prize winners, namely:

Henryk Sienkiewicz who started his education at the University in 1866, first at Law Faculty at the Main School (University’s name at that time), and then at Medical and Philology Faculty, graduating from the latter in 1871, however, not being awarded a diploma,
Menachem Begin, former prime minister of Israel, graduated from the studies at Law Faculty in 1935,
Czesław Miłosz, in 1932, was studying at Law Faculty, however, and continued his education in Vilnius. During WW II he worked at the University as a caretaker,
Joseph Rotblat, a physicist and a radiologist, in 1938 he defended the PhD in physics, in 1932-1934 was attending lectures at Humanistic Department,
Leonid Hurwicz, an economist, who graduated from law studies at the University in 1938.

Warsaw University of Technology

The tradition of Warsaw University of Technology – the biggest and the oldest University of Technology in Poland – dates back to the beginning of XIX century. It was founded in Warsaw in 1915 by Gen Hans von Beseler. It is one of the best technical universities in Poland and in East-Central Europe. Warsaw University of Technology, for many years, was ranked the 1st among the technical Polish universities in the „Ranking of Universities” published by the „Perspectives” magazine. According to Webometric Ranking of World Universities from 104 January 2015, which shows the involvement of academic institutions in the Web network activity, the university occupies the 2nd place among technical universities in Poland and the 522nd place among the best universities of the world.

Warsaw University of Technology associates the biggest number of promising science and research academics in technical sciences. This is the place where the most of nationally and world-renowned scientific studies are carried out. Its superiority is proven by dozens of successful agreements on cooperation with world-known universities, staff and students’ exchange as well as joint research programmes. None of technical universities in Poland has such wide range of faculties and specialisations. It enables meeting individual interests and market needs. Premises’ conditions and equipment are the factors that facilitate realization of such a wide offer. The organization of studies, based on point assessment of student’s level, which is consistent with international standards, simplifies the process of doing some part of the course abroad. Benefits resulting from it are enormous and close integration with European Union will open new, great possibilities in this area.

The Jagiellonian University

The Jagiellonian University is the oldest higher education institution in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded on 12 May 1364 by the Polish king Casimir the Great. Since its very beginning, the Jagiellonian University has been an international institution. Some of its students and academics have been major historical figures, including world famous scholars, such as Nicolaus Copernicus or Karol Olszewski, as well as Karol Wojtyła, the future Pope John Paul II.

Today, the Jagiellonian University comprises of 15 Faculties, where 4 thousand academic staff conduct research and provide education to almost 50 thousand students, within the framework of more than 80 different fields of study. The eminent researchers and state-of-the-art infrastructure make the JU one of the leading Polish scientific institutions, collaborating with major academic centres from all over the world. The Jagiellonian University is also home to about 150 student societies, where young researchers pursue their academic interests and develop friendships with people who share their passion.

The University’s prestige in both Poland and abroad is illustrated by its widely recognized research achievements. The scientists and physicians from the JU Medical College carry out pioneer studies, e.g. in cardiac surgery, urology and neurology, often leading to the development of novel treatment methods. Their findings have been published in some of the most prestigious international journals, for instance, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine, and Lancet. JU astronomers take part in the most important international projects in their field, including H.E.S.S. and VIPERS, whereas the results of research by JU biotechnologists have been published in such reputable specialist journals as Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Ecology Resources or European Journal of Human Genetics.

The current position of the JU is also reflected in the growing number of patent applications and the growing number of patents granted to its academic staff members – there were 8 applications and 2 patents in 2007 and as many as 60 applications and 11 patents in 2013. Yet another advantage of the Jagiellonian University is its location in the historic city of Kraków, the former capital of Poland and a great cultural centre, visited by millions of tourists. Some of the University buildings are major historical sites themselves.

Poznan University of Technology

Poznan University of Technology (PUT) grew out of the State School of Mechanical Engineering, which was established in 1919. Currently, it is one of the leading technical universities in Poland, which has become one of the most recognized landmarks of the region and even the whole country.

The autonomous state institution consists of ten faculties, providing didactics for about 21 thousand students. PUT offers Bachelor, Master and Doctorate courses, conducted both in Polish and English. Moreover there are postgraduate courses and workshops for people interested in updating their technical knowledge. The students of Poznan University of Technology have an access to more than 150 labs equipped with modern and high-quality technologies together with 12 hundred academic staff members, conducting researches and running educational tasks there.

Among other aspects, Poznan University of Technology operates within the field of scientific research and design together with companies from the following sectors: automotive (VW Poznan, Solaris Bus & Coach, MAN Bus); precision (SKF, Aescu www.eebd.eu 105 lap-Chifa); home appliances (Samsung Electronics, Amica); industrial automation (Phoenix Contact); engineering (HCP-Poznań); chemical (Luvena); pharmaceuticals (GlaxoSmithKline); Energy (Dalkia); construction (Budimex, Skanska); exhibition (MTP-Poznań); banking (BZ WBK – group Santander).

PUT plays an important role in international scientific life: the university takes an active part in scientific exchange and international projects and cooperate with multiple research institutions both from Poland and abroad. The University combines the development of the latest scientific disciplines with the transfer of this knowledge and technology into the practical dimension

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