Business environment institutions

In times of globalization, an knowledge-based economy, which uses mechanisms of international technology transfer constitutes the key to the development and competitiveness of the country. The spread of technology between entities from different countries builds their economic power and represents a source of innovation on a global scale. European Green Technology Alliance (EGTA) is an international platform for cooperation between European clusters, designed to transfer technologies between member entities, directed to the needs of modern, sustainable and intelligent economy. It was established at the beginning of 2015 by Smart IT Cluster, which aims at creating network of cooperation between innovative companies and integration platform of their potential.

European technological clusters are members of European Green Technology Alliance. Their goal is to generate further technological solutions as well as to commercialize them on a global scale. Currently, EGTA consists of 21 clusters from 18 EU countries, which in general provides 300 economic entities and research institutions. EGTA’s development strategy assumes doubling this number by the end of 2016.

Goals and priorities of EGTA:

Creating European ecosystem of innovation, serving the purpose of knowledge transfer, mutual research, development and commercialization of studies by providing coordination, communication and information technology tools,
Creating new business opportunities for EGTA members on a European and global scale by undertaking mutual business and marketing ventures,
Supporting EGTA members with international strategy implementation by establishing cooperation with non-European countries and creating global platform for technology transfer.

Implementation of EGTA requires four complementary activities:

European Platform for Technology Transfer
European Base of Technology Experts
European Platform for Knowledge Exchange
European Platform for Goods and Services Exchange

The strategy of EGTA internationalisation is realized due to cooperation with non-European countries as a part of Global Network of Business Innovation and Development.

National Chamber of Commerce

National Chamber of Commerce, which is the biggest independent business organization in Poland, was established in 1990. It represents the biggest number of entrepreneurs, associating more than 130 business organizations, consisting of around 300 thousand national enterprises. Polish Chamber of Commerce promotes social business sensitivity. Its courses and conferences help the entrepreneurs to implement ethical standards. The most socially-sensitive companies are rewarded in “Fair Play Entrepreneurship” programme.

Polish Chamber of Commerce takes care of Polish entrepreneurs on international arena. PCC is a member of Eurochambers (Association of European Chambers of Industry and Commerce) and International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. PCC has signed agreements on cooperation with majority of national chambers of commerce all over the world. Being a vice-president since 2008, the chairman of PCC – Andrzej Arendarski – has strengthened the position of Polish Chamber of Commerce on international arena.

The activity of Polish Chamber of Commerce is performed by 20 committees and 4 platforms, which are ruled by prominent economists, academics, local government and social activists. Committees have two basic functions – counselling (for the NCC Presidium) and integration since they associate economic societies in order to resolve particular problems. Committees that take part in works of Parliament’s Committee are also active in formulating and commenting on deeds which directly influence the enterprises’ activity.

Employers of poland

Employers of Poland – the oldest and the biggest employers association in Poland – has been acting since 1989. It represents more than 10 000 companies, employing nearly 5 million people. It consists of mainly private companies – 85%. The power of Employers of Poland in rights and arguments presented to political and economic decision-makers as well as in the number and variability of the members: unions, federations and companies. The organization’s aim is to create an employer-friendly country, however, with respect to worker’s rights. The economy has to developed in a sustainable way, and economic aspects cannot ever dominate social ones. That is why employers in the Republic of Poland strive to create harmony between the employer and the employee. Since 9 September, it is also achieved by participation of this organization in activities of Social Dialogue Council. It is an institution for which Employers of Poland fought since the trade union representatives left Trilateral Commission. As a represented organization, Employers of Poland has more possibilities to influence proper law establishment.

The Organization’s Representatives are presented wherever important events for business and employers take place: during Parliament and Senate sittings, during decision-forming and advisory works of assemblies at different government administrative levels as well as committees that decide on UE fund distribution. Recruited from the most renowned specialists and authorities, expert of Employers of Poland publish extensive academic studies, advise policy makers and comment on economic reality. Conferences organized by Employers of Poland not only host distinguished speakers, but also significantly contribute to development of debates and public consultations.

The tasks, performed by the organization, cover:

activities, directed to secure common employers’ interest associated in member organisations of enterprises, which often compete with each other. However, they are aware of the necessity to act together for the benefit of employers and entrepreneurs society,
support of initiatives which seek to strengthen the role of Polish employers and cooperation among the employers and entrepreneurial organizations, in order to achieve mutual goals of business society,
cooperation with social partners – employees organizations, which aim is to attain common objectives of employers and employees, resulting from economic growth, fair and stable working conditions, work safety and social peace,
engagement in a dialogue with public authorities at all levels, with the aim of realizing common goal of the society, entrepreneurs and the rulers, as well as highlight the opinion of employers during the decision-making process for the future of Poland,
formation and promotion of the employers and entrepreneurs’ images as the ones who create national income, new workplaces and contribute to country’s flourishing and prosperity; as well as realization of individual aspirations of its citizens.


EIT+ Wrocław Research Centre is the first research and technology organization in Poland that is entirely focused on the development of innovations, new technologies, and the research reflecting the needs of the modern industry. We have the most comprehensive research infrastructure in the entire East-Central Europe (totaling more than 23,000 sq. meters of area), which has been fitted with the state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Hence, we are able to run research projects that remain interesting for the industry as well as to perform basic tests compliant with the global development trends. The EIT+ Wrocław Research Centre is formed by the people who perceive science as a practical tool for driving the economy. They have been gaining experience in collaboration with some of the most notable scientific hubs that serve the world’s industry, i.e. Berkeley, Stanford, Princeton, Fraunhofer Institute, and Gent University. Today, this priceless experience bears fruits in the form of a permanently growing cooperation with business organizations.

Our scientific personnel, as well as freelance scientists with whom we cooperate, conduct research in the fields of biotechnology, medical diagnostics, pharmacy, nanotechnology, laser techniques, materials science, and chemistry. Our inventions and technologies have been appreciated on international trade fairs and scientific conferences. EIT + it is, among others, 48 Polish patent applications and PCT, 59 research projects, 6 Polish patents and 14 created firm of spin-off type.

Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation (MUEUPI)

Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation in Warsaw was established based on Resolution No. 47/07 of 19 March 2007 of Mazovian Voivodship Council and started to operate on 1 July 2007. Under the statute provisions Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation took over the operation of the Integrated Operational Programme of Regional Development 2007-2013, carried out by the Office of the Mazovian Voivodship and carries out the tasks arising from the Regional Operational Programme in years 2014-2020 and as the intermediate body for the regional component of Mazovian Human Capital Operational Programme.

The tasks of Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation are connected with implementing the Regional Operational Programme of the Mazovian Voivodship (ROP MV) are particularly the following: preparing and updating the manuals and procedures’ descriptions for implementing ROP MV according to the directives of the Management Body aiming at their approval, cooperation with the Management Body in terms of preparing a detailed description of ROP MV priorities, preparing the application forms specimens, agreements and other documents for beneficiaries in accordance with the Management Body directives, elaborating annual and long-lasting costs forecast under the Priority and passing them to the Management Body, conducting competition procedures of the projects taken into consideration for financing under ROP MV, preparing agreement projects on project financing, performing payments from ROP MV funds for the beneficiaries’ favor, factual and financial progress monitoring in terms of projects realization, reports and applications verifying on payments prepared by the beneficiaries, controlling the realization of particular projects financed under ROP MV, recovering funds paid independently to beneficiaries, managing the registration system and storing the accountancy register details in an electronic for all the projects and gathering essential data for financial management, monitoring, verification, audits and evaluation, managing electronic monitoring system of projects and priorities realization, managing IT and promoting activities, storing all the documentation related to project realization for a period of 3 years from the date of a projects’ closure, realizing tasks connected with the use of Technical Support means under ROP MV.

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