Investor’s zone

The main goal of ISC is to provide each investor with complex and multi-leveled services in terms of realizing the investments. As a part of the cooperation, we offer all-embracing and professional support in implementation phase and further supervision over specific investment projects, starting from the search for innovative technological solutions, through the implementation of the investment plans and ending with the completion of the investment.

In order to optimize the work and provide high-quality care to our Clients, we have distinguished 6 departments, each of which is responsible for a subsequent stage of the investment process.



Legal Department
issuing opinions about investment projects as far as formal and legal terms on the particular territory are concerned,
reviewing and providing support in creating projects of the documents containing the position of the Investment Service Center,
providing legal assistance for investment projects within the framework of the support programs,
coordinating the legislative process concerning the conclusion of international agreements,
conducting formal proceedings related to obtainment of intellectual property protection.
Financial department
supervising target companies and Closed-end Investment Funds, which are implementing investment projects,
developing financial plans and projects of their change,
monitoring investment realization and making an on-going analysis of it,
preparing financial information as well as periodic financial reports from finalized investments.
Department of European Funds
researching available forms of support,
selecting appropriate assistance programs for the planned investment projects,
preparing an audit of investments eligible for support,
preparing application documentation,
supporting in the appeal process,
settling the received assistance.
Department of Marketing and Communications
performing IT activities directed at the mass media,
maintaining the contacts with media in order to efficiently inform the public opinion about goals, tasks and actions of ISC,
promoting the intellectual output of ISC and its Partners,
organizing marketing endeavors,
creating and managing a cohesive visual identification system of ISC.
Department of Innovative Technologies
searching for and selecting innovative technological solutions with the aim of implementing them,
cooperating with a highly developed structure of R&D centers in Poland as well as technological parks,
conducting technological verification of the projects,
evaluating innovativeness of the projects,
determining directions for expansion to international markets.
Department of Business Security
reviewing and optimizing security and corporate governance,
integrated management of information security in an enterprise,
reviewing threats and sensitivity to the adverse occurrences,
designing and implementing identity management,
providing security services “in the cloud”.
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